Favorite Scripture

Alma 36:21-22
21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.

22 Yea, methought I saw, even as our father Lehi saw, God sitting upon His throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Why'd you have to go getting yourself sick! What is up with this?
My goodness, I leave for only a short four months and you already are throwing up. STOP IT!

Ok. So, I need to do this quick but I will try to do it well too.

A. 1 Nephi 4:5 in English says "Crept into the city..." but translated from Portuguese version says "penetrated stealthily..." OH YEAH. Nephi was an ancient ninja in Portuguese. The word Penetrated is so cool. It makes Nephi that much more awesome.

B. Dad's Red tie he sent me was killed by the rain. Sorry.

C. Tee shirt I was and wanted a picture of because it reminded me of Matt "Wake up. Brush teeth. BE AWESOME!"

Thanksgiving is actually Elder Awbrey's birthday(28th. I think that's...oh wait. never mind) Say hi to everyone for me! I love them all!

MATT!! Making the money. Don't let him be a millionaire just yet. On second thought...hmm... millionaire brother....

14.5 miles! Wow. I'm working on building some muscle. Apparently though I am putting on weight as Elder Preneveou happily told me.

Tanner! BYE!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! LOVE YA MAN!!!

Shopping, yes, sight seeing, nothing new, just Africa, and laundry. Actually, we have a washing machine and just do our laundry throughout the week (all in one day DOES NOT work for all four of us).
Holes for toilet drainage? Yeah, I guess so. I haven't dug any of those(thank goodness) but instead I have dug the holes to dump garbage. Instead of a garbage truck, most people here use big holes.

As you wish, there are picts of your little boy on dropbox. hehe

Jesse in Rome. That is a sick statement. Jesse is in ROME! Wow. Rome...that's sick. Tell him good luck and I love him.

Package...no...boohoo... I hope it comes within this week or the next(slightly unlikely) for if it comes the week after I may have moved by then. Transfers are the 1st.

Inexpensive. Gosh, actually most things here are inexpensive, it's just that Meticais are worth so much less than a dollar that when I see that I spent 1000 on groceries it seems like a ton. Really that's only $35.71.

I feel bad sending short emails. I hope you all feel my love.

Reading for ya'll: Matt. 11:29-30, Alma 37:42-47, and ya'll go find the story about Moses and the flying serpents.

The thing I want to stress: often people don't follow the gospel because it is too easy. Take Christ's burden upon you. It is light, and he will always be there to lift you up.

Love you all, Your missionary son, brother, relative, friend,
Elder Christopher Wartena

PS. love ya extended family too!

Monday, November 12, 2012

So Josh is on right now, and I have to say that it is hard to multitask some days.

Last week I had a huge list to send you. This week I forgot to write down the list. SO HERE GOES MY RAMBLIN!

A. Elder Awbrey has Prince of Egypt Music and it is awesome. The emotion put into the Pharoah's voice at the end of "the plagues" is sweet.

B. I have a family to talk about.
We met the Mom while "knocking" houses. At first she told us her name was Oma, then later at church she said her name was Benidita. Anyway, her husband doesn't have two names and his is Antonio.
We have been teaching them for a few weeks now.

Random thought: I love that crazy picture you sent just now. I love your hair! That's the Mommy I know.

Anyway, she came to church once and we got really excited. SHE BORE HER TESTIMONY! I have to say, one of the most um, what's the word? scary things...ok that works. One of the scariest things is to have your investigator go up her first sunday to bear testimony. You really hope you helped her understand the gospel and not preach false doctrine. Also, when you CAN't HEAR HER! AAAUUGGH! well, all is well anyway. Bad news, they didn't come last week. hm. She is having doubts about baptism (I don't fully understand what they are due to Portugese and the WAY different frame of mind of these people), but we are working with them. Antonio said he'd be baptized though. So, if all our baptisms go through all great, the 22nd of December will be a grand day!

Allright, now to respond to things my angel of a mom sent.

Yes! Enjoy life. I watched last night the talk by Pres Utchdorf and I remember a quote "Your happiness, ultimately, depends on you." So, don't regret not allowing yourself to be happy. Choose to love life! Love all the little things! Love the crap! Besides, the crap is the stuff that makes the best stories later.

Nephi and the Tent. I have to say, I would have a hard time if we were crazy rich and Dad up and moved us to the desert to hunt and live in tents. Heck, I had a hard time adjusting to Mozambique where I still have running water, electricity, and AC(still blown that I have AC).

Ok, I exaggerated the rain. Yes, it rained THAT HARD, but actually the bulk of our days are crazy hot and sunny. I'm told that december has a lot of rainy days though, so we'll see. Also, the humidity and heat SUCKS!

Poo, the pictures you sent won't open. This is a little sad missionary. Oh well, I have that awesome Josh And Mom pict you sent and I LOVE IT!

NOOOOO! They stole him! "My precious [brother Wilkey], they takes'd it from us!" -golem/smeagol.  But, yes, I agree, the Lord is behind it. I cannot wait to come home and see the world changed by Brother Wilkey's awesome leadership.

Tanner...Nice...Tell him I am excited for him too. He'll love the MTC.

I can't even comment on the Jensens...What?! That must've been one heck of a job offer. I'll miss though crazy guys.

So, today we got here late actually. We got a ride, but unlike the other weeks, when she said she was going to the city she meant the other side than we wanted. SO...Walking.

Crap, I only have 11 mins left on my bought time.

I love you and am looking forward to the package and hope it get's here in time.

I love you,
Elder Christopher Wartena